Adobe Premiere Pro 4K HDR workflow for YouTube
Vlady Radev from 4K Shooters explains how to export 4K HDR videos for YouTube in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. 4K Shooters always provide great video insight!
The first step in the process is to ensure that your edit is locked in and ready for export. Once you’ve made all the cuts, go into the Lumetri Color panel and add a LUT of your choice. While you can tweak the color settings to your taste, don’t forget to select the High Dynamic Range option in the Lumetri Color panel so that you can take advantage of the full dynamic range of your video.
After your color correction and grading is completed, it’s time to export your final edit. To do so, select your timeline and navigate to File > Export > Media. In the Export Settings window set the Format to H.264 and select the YouTube 2160p 4K Preset. Make sure that your Source and Output settings match perfectly. If for any reason this is not the case, in the Basic Video Settings window hit the Match Source button.
The next few settings you need to adjust will allow Premiere Pro CC to export your edit as a video with high dynamic range. Under the video tab, scroll down and uncheck the box next to Profile.
Once you’ve done so, go to the Profile drop-down menu and select High10. Next, enable the options labeled as Rec. 2020 Color Primaries, High Dynamic Range, Render and Maximum Depth, and Render at Maximum Quality just as shown in the video tutorial...
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