Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tips on Monitoring Effects Settings
Expert tips from a master at Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Speed up your editing process and accelerate your ability to add a master effect to the clip in your project...
In the 2015 release of Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe introduced the Lumetri Color panel, which allows for fast methods of applying color corrections and adjustments to clips. But the underlying method by which it does this is also really useful for previewing settings applied to individual clips.
When you open the Lumetri Color panel, Adobe Premiere Pro CC automatically invokes the Selection Follows Playhead function from the Sequence menu. This means that clips under the playhead are automatically selected and any Lumetri Color panel adjustments are applied to the selected clip, avoiding the need to manually apply that filter to the clip.
A happy byproduct of this technique is that the settings of the currently selected clip are automatically displayed in the Effects Control panel. This helps to avoid situations where you have the playhead located over one clip while you are editing the filter or effects settings of a different clip ...[continue reading]
Save time while monitoring effects settings in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
G-Technology blog by Simon Walker Adobe Certified Master Trainer
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