Matrox 3.5 provides the following new features: †¢Ã‚   Support for the new RT.X2 LE card. This is a  ¾-size PCI Express card that provides the same features as RT.X2 to edit and output HDV and SD material, but without DVI output for previewing on a DVI monitor. †¢Ã‚   Matrox EZ-HDV AVI utility for support of large HDV .avi files in Video for Windows (VFW) programs, such as Adobe After Effects. †¢Ã‚   Audio conforming is no longer required for most clips in your Adobe Premiere Pro projects. †¢Ã‚   The following new options are provided on the General page of the Matrox Playback Settings dialog box to allow you to customize how you want to work with your Adobe Premiere Pro projects: -   Suppress creation of PEK files Lets you suppress the creation of audio waveform (.pek) files for imported clips. This speeds up editing of your project immediately after importing clips because resources aren't being used for the .pek file generation. If needed, you can choose to generate the .pek files at a later time. -   Postroll after stop Lets you determine whether or not you want any postroll when you stop the playback of a sequence. -   Optimize memory usage Lets you reduce the amount of system memory that Matrox RT.X2 allocates to work with your project. †¢Ã‚   Improved audio quality for captured HDV clips. †¢Ã‚   Most of the Matrox effects that support scaling (resizing) of your clips, such as 3D DVEs, now have an Enhance Sharpness slider that you can use to adjust the sharpness of your clips.
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