Bob Zelin "EVERYTHING at NAB 2015 was about 4K. HD is over"

title_banner (12)Bob Zelin is back from NAB and he's done a post show write up for Creative Cow. As always, he's giving you the straight scoop, not pulling any punches, and calling it like he sees it.
Creative COW by Bob Zelin EVERYTHING at NAB 2015 was about 4K. HD is over – at least that's the impression that all the manufacturers are trying to demonstrate. NAB 2015 seemed like a repeat of what happened when HD first kicked into full swing, when everyone was still working with standard def NTSC video footage. Everyone said. "But we don't have any requests for working in HD." The same thing is happening now with 4K, and 4K workflow will now become mainstream for production and post-production. And for old dogs like me – well yes, I am getting a little tired of having to learn about new stuff all the time. And I am sure that for facility owners, seeing all this new cheap (or free) gear being offered at an accelerated pace must make all of them nervous about their investments in high-end professional video hardware. Maybe it's a good thing that I had no time to go into the Center or North halls of NAB 2015. I was overwhelmed with just the South hall. I am anxious to hear about other revolutionary and cheap products found in the other halls. Everything just keeps changing, and there appears to be no slowing down the pace of developing technology. read more...

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