Tips ·
Video Editing ·
How To Increase Your Editing Speed Dramatically
Premium Beat by Noamm Kroll
As editors, we are always looking for the best way to tell a story. In most cases, the best possible version is only found after many passes of editing. Luckily, there are many things you can do to increase your editing speed significantly and get to the finish line faster.
Editing, like any other part of the creative process can be both highly enjoyable and immensely frustrating. When things are going well, it’s an extremely rewarding experience that allows us to finally see our projects come to life. On the other hand, it’s possible to get into slumps when editing (especially early on in the process) that can prevent us from finishing on time, and even worse – ending up with a subpar cut of the film.
I’ve always been a big believer that with any creative process (editing included) the best way to get to the finish line is by having a mold to work from. I’ve never edited a project and simply locked off the first cut that I did, and I really don’t think that anyone should.
You always want to challenge yourself to get better results and to tell your story in the most efficient and effective way possible. Many times, this means that you will need to go through many different iterations of your edit – which is completely fine. In fact, it’s encouraged. read more...
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