NVIDIA RTX GPU Powers Adobe Premiere Pro 4X FASTER

Premiere Gal is a YouTuber and video producer that creates excellent content made to help post production professionals better utilize the tools at their disposal- specifically Adobe Premiere.  Here latest video is definitely one those in the post production space should check out.  

The video covers optimal specs for using Premiere on a laptop, without sacrificing a ton of processing power vs a desktop.  This is achieved via NVIDIA RPX GPU, which powers Adobe Premiere Pro up to four times faster.  

Check out the video, below to learn more about this technology:

"NVIDIA Studio wants to help you create faster and better, by working with hardware manufacturers and software developers to enable GPU acceleration to the tools you use every day. Today’s video looks at NVENC (NVIDIA VIDEO ENCODER) support in Adobe Premiere Pro and how it will speed up your render times. NVENC is a dedicated encoding hardware only found on the GeForce GTX and RTX GPUS (Graphics Cards). Using NVENC increases the performance of rendering by removing the CPU bottleneck."

-Premiere Gal

Check out the video on YouTube HERE.

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