The Mercury Playback Engine: CUDA Improvements

video3brain by Todd Kopriva

The video "The Mercury Playback Engine: CUDA Improvements" is part of the following training course:

What’s New and Changed in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
Stay Up to Date with Premiere Pro CS5.5 In this free workshop, Adobe Technical Support Lead Todd Kopriva is your guide to the changes in the CS5.5 version of Adobe Premiere Pro. Major new features include the ability to synchronize video and audio tracks and then combine the synchronized tracks into a single merged clip, new blend modes and transition effects, and improvements to CUDA processing, RED (R3D) support, and the Adobe Media Encoder. If you’re new to Premiere Pro, after you’ve completed this workshop, you’ll be ready to watch dedicated training for Premiere Pro CS5 and apply those tutorials to Premiere Pro CS5.5. If you’re already familiar with Premiere Pro CS5, completing this course will get you ready to jump right in and start using these powerful new features.

Watch the video "The Mercury Playback Engine: CUDA Improvements"

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