TriCaster 460 & 860 Owners: Check Out the Benefits of TriCaster Advanced Edition

If you own a TriCaster 860 or 460, and have not yet moved up to TriCaster Advanced Edition you are missing out on many added capabilities that were formerly only available on the TriCaster 8000. Here are some of the changes:Some of Videoguys favorite TriCaster Advanced Edition features are:
- Mix/Effects (M/E) buttons now also appear on source selection rows and Key channel source menus inside the M/E panels, allowing you to use nested M/Es. This type of M/E, referred to as “reentrant”, is an exceptionally powerful feature, and one offering endless creative possibilities. A limitation is that you cannot use a given M/E as a source inside itself.
- 4 Sources on Livesets
- 4 Keys and 4 DSKs
- 10 Animation Buffers
- Edge Feathering
- Effect View
- Frame Sync
- Tracking
- Isolated inputs on audio outputs
- Mirroring (860 only)
If you have TriCaster Advanced Edition but are not on the newest update yet, you are missing NewTek NDI, which gives you 4 network inputs and interoperation with hundreds of products that now support NDI, the new composition engine that supercharges your DVEs, plus about 100 more improvements. The latest update is free, by download, to existing TriCaster Advanced Edition customers. New TriCaster Advanced Edition purchasers will be downloading this version at the time they purchase.
- NewTek NDI! NDI stands for Network Device Interface. NDI is an open standard that will allow Newtek devices and 3rd party devices to communicate with each other over the network. Using standard GigE cabling and switches.
- FOUR Additional switcher inputs. Takes the TC460, 410 and Mini to 8 and the 860 and 8000 to 12. Every input is NDI - compatible
- Unlimited Real-Time layering for TC 460 and 860. Basically giving you the same layering funstionality as a TC8000
- External router support allows you to increase the number of camera inputs. You can double, triple, quadruple the amount of SDI inputs into your TriCaster.
- Setting up your CDN is so much easier and you can simultaneously stream to multiple platforms. As an example we're on YouTube live for this webinar. If we wanted to we could also be streaming on UStream, Twitch, LiveStream or any other CDN.
- Social Media Integration. Publish to multiple social media platforms with ease. You can feed Tweets, Facebook posts, instagram images and more into your productions.
- Increased animation and compositing effects. TC410 and Mini get 5 additional animation buffers, while TC460 and 860 get 10 more.
- TC 460, 860 and 8000 get a full motion composition engine to add DVE effects, squeezebacks, animated graphics and more.
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