I've been keeping my eye on Jellyfish, an affordable shared storage solution from LumaForge that was created for small group collaboration of FCPX editors. In this hands on real world review Peter Wiggins puts it though it's paces and shares the highs and lows with fcp.co readers. A little bit about Jellyfish from their website before we start:
What is the Jellyfish?
The Jellyfish is the most advanced shared storage solution ever created. By implementing the underlying technology of our larger ShareStation line in new ways we have packaged extreme performance into a carry-on sized box that lets you collaborate anywhere. It was originally designed to allow a small group of editors the ability to quickly and easily share projects in on location edit suites (hotel rooms), however between our two models the applications are endless including VFX, DIT, VR Workflow, and video labs to name a few.
fcp.co by Peter Wiggins
On the road with Final Cut Pro X and a Jellyfish, the new budget shared storage system
The Jellyfish and Final Cut Pro X go on the road for a real broadcast job. Cutting edge portable shared storage on a budget, but with all of the performance you need. How did it cope with the strain of continuous records and multiple edit clients? Peter Wiggins takes the new cnidarian for a mission critical swim.
I get asked to edit on many remote and outside broadcast jobs. Sometimes you get to choose what equipment you want to work with and there are others where you get the producers', production managers' or engineers' choice.
The recent World Track Cycling Championship in London was neither. During a telephone conversation between myself and the producer, James from VSquared, we came to the conclusion that we probably had enough Macs and ancillary kit between us to do the job on FCPX.
This idea was triggered by the Scottish Labour Party Conference I edited for BBC Scotland last year. Fellow editor John Matthews from Blue Bicycle had put together a collection of Macs that all working together; did a superb job of making a programme out of two live feeds and camera originals. Storage was Thunderbolt RAIDs shared out via ethernet from three machines. Not ideal for computer purists, but it worked a treat. I was impressed. read more...
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