What’s the Best Computer for Avid Media Composer?

Getting started in post production is an extensive process, and it's difficult to know what machine you should be working with.  Particularly when you are working with advanced tools like Avid Media Composer.  If you are using the best tools in the world, you want them to run at absolute optimal conditions and performance.  

Avid recently released a great article on their blog, detailing the optimal specs and qualities of perfect workstation with Avid Media Composer.  We're taking a look at some highlights from that article, below.  

Processing Power:

The Central Processing Unit, or CPU is the brain and main controlling force of the computer.  This is where all of the processing or "thinking" was done.  The idea of fast thinking is absolutely essential, particularly for editing.  

"Early CPUs contained a single core that ran one program at a time. Today’s CPUs have multiple cores and what’s known as threading, which allows computers to run multiple programs and tasks at the same time. For you, this means greater speed and processing power.

Lean on a multicore CPU for video editing. A six-core processor is suitable for most video work, and one running at 3.0 GHz or faster will likely match the performance you need."


Random Access Memory:

The Random Access Memory or RAM on your computer is another huge part of creating a perfect work station.  This is basically your computers short term memory.  This is where it stores temporary data that you are working on. 

In video editing, consider footage resolution and bit depth when you decide how much RAM to buy. The main use of RAM in video editing is caching preview files for use during playback. The larger the frame size of the media, the more space that’s required to store those files while working with them.


Graphics Processing:   

The Graphics Processing Unit or GPU is another major component.  This is the part of your computer responsible for creating graphics, textures and images you see on screen.  

"A midrange AMD or Nvidia unit with at least 4 GB of VRAM (Video Random Access Memory) will be enough for most video editing. (Caveat: make sure it is dedicated memory and not shared, which borrows from the CPU.) However, editors who work with a lot of complex effects, color grading, and 3D rendering should get the fastest GPU they can afford. Faster GPUs don’t provide higher quality, only faster render times. If you’re working with large amounts of high-resolution files—particularly 4K or 360-degree video—a high-end GPU will expedite the process and transcode the files at a reasonable speed."


Check out the full article from Avid to learn more. 

Learn more about Avid HERE.


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